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I have been Frida in Bjorn Again nearly 6 years. Ever since I was little, I wanted to be in Abba - if anybody would have told me I’d be
wearing blue leotards and white platform boots now, I’d have laughed in their face. The band have become very close friends of mine and
we’ve had some fantastic experiences - supporting the Spice Girls at Wembley, selling out the Albert Hall, 12,000 people at our own show
at the SECC and tours of Australia, Norway and Sweden.
We nearly lost half the band in Australia at Bondi beach when a few of us got caught in the rip tide. Fortunately there were two
strong men in the band and the crew along with a sexy lifeguard to rescue us. It was like an episode of Baywatch.
Over the last few years, whilst doing Bjorn Again, I have worked with Tom Jones, The Stereophonics and Burt Bacharach.
Providing backing vocals for Paul Carrack was fantastic. I was very giggly meeting Tom Ð felt very school girlish. I then had my own single
out, Wonderful Life, at the end of 2001, which received major support from Northern Radio Stations. While promoting it, I was sharing a dressing
room with a 14 year old from the Smash Hits tour, which was odd! The dreesing room rider made me laugh. Instead of crisps and alcohol there was
cough sweets, Clearasil and Smarties!
